With support from the University of Richmond

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Teachers: Don’t rush to make History compulsory (Malayasia)

MALACCA: The National Union of the Teaching Profession wants the Education Ministry not to rush to introduce History as a compulsory primary school subject to prevent undue burden on both teachers and pupils.

Its president, Hashim Adnan, said the introduction of the subject without proper planning would undoubtedly add to a heavier workload for teachers and pupils who already have to contend with the Kajian Tempatan subject.

“We feel that the teaching of History as a compulsory subject could be done by including it as part of Kajian Tempatan. Intro-ducing it as a new subject will cause a ‘culture shock’ for the pupils,” he told reporters yesterday.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had recently made a call for History to be made a compulsory subject in primary schools nationwide.
Read entire article at http://thestar.com.my