With support from the University of Richmond

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U of Alaska Fairbanks historian rewarded for commitment to teaching

The dedication it takes to master the art of teaching can only come from someone with a heart of gold and a platinum sense of humor.

Mary Mangusso, a historian and longtime faculty member at the University of Alaska Fairbanks holds the Arthur T. Fathauer Chair in History, and is exactly the kind of educator every university aspires to have.

“She was four times as qualified as anyone else who applied for the position,” said Dr. Carol Gold, former chair and the first female to arrive at the UAF Department of History.

Mangusso has more than 40 years teaching experience under her belt making her “eminently qualified,” according to the committee’s standards regarding the endowed chair.

“She was perfect for the Fathauer Chair,” said Dr. John Heaton, chair of the history department.

The Fathauer family had requested someone who was focused on interacting with students.
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