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Naples city historian given term limit

Doris Reynolds is still the city historian.

But her role now has limits. Term limits to be exact.

Naples City Council voted 4-3 at their recent meeting to limit the historian to two consecutive three-year terms. The decision will not retroactively affect Reynolds’ 2006 appointment, which means her first term will end in June 2011.

Mayor Bill Barnett, Councilman Gary Price and Councilwoman Teresa Heitmann cast the dissenting votes. Both Barnett and Price said they weren’t in favor of creating a term limit for the position.

“I think that if the time ever came that (she) felt she wouldn’t be able to be the city’s historian any more, she’d be the first one (to say so),” Barnett said. “Doris Reynolds for all intents and purposes is a historian ... she knows about Naples history.”

Reynolds, a columnist for the Naples Daily News, was appointed to her position in June 2006. Council at the time voted unanimously to name her the city’s official historian.

Councilwoman Penny Taylor in April said she felt it was appropriate to assign term limits to the city historian position.
Read entire article at http://www.naplesnews.com