It's too Early to Judge Iraq a Military Failure
David D. Perlmutter, associate professor of mass communication at Louisiana State University and the author of Visions of War, in USA Today (May 4, 2004):
The military historian in me answers, "Stay tuned." In about 100 years, we experts will have it all figured out.
The problem with judging military setbacks in the very short term is that even
eventually successful wars seldom go smoothly. Wars are not won by infallible
leaders with picture-perfect plans. The victors are those who candidly admit
mistakes, abandon failing strategies and recast war plans to fit new circumstances.
So merely being in a muddle is not a surprise. The Iraq war, still hot and still
costing American lives, seems to be going badly. That fact has been underscored
by the 137 servicemembers who died in Iraq in April -- the deadliest month yet
for U.S. troops there -- and now by accusations that U.S. soldiers abused Iraqi
prisoners. But all other wars in American history have at times appeared off
Historical trends
* The American Revolution, almost until its last days, was a series of disasters, minor victories and draws for the patriots. If George Washington had died or had been sacked before the crossing of the Delaware, today we would say he was a poor war commander.
* Likewise, the Civil War. Through most of 1864, Abraham Lincoln despaired of
victory; many in the South thought Dixie could still win.
* In World War II, for months after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese seemed unstoppable.
Also, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was about the only political leader in
the world who thought England could fight on alone against Adolf Hitler after
the fall of France.
* Then again, in Korea, almost everyone assumed the war was over and won for
America and its allies -- until 1 million Chinese soldiers argued otherwise.
* In Vietnam, there was no major battlefield defeat that U.S. politicians and
military leaders could point to and say, "Hah, that's when the quagmire
In war, even the commanders don't see the big picture. There are so many variables
-- many random -- that stymie the best-laid plans. Blunders and bad luck are
common. The response is what matters. That's why every American squad leader
knows his job is to "adapt, improvise, overcome." We, as a nation,
must do the same.
These unexpected outcomes and unintended contingencies also teach us another
lesson: Beware of experts. Historians, political scientists, military analysts
and foreign-policy advisers can often tell why something happened. But we all
make very poor prophets.