With support from the University of Richmond

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Robert Goldberg: Wins $40,000 prize at U. of Utah

Robert Goldberg, a 28-year member of the University of Utah's history faculty and one of the school's most popular professors, has been named the winner of the [$40,000] Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence, the U.'s most prestigious honor.

The author of nine books on history, Goldberg directs the Tanner Humanities Center and has already garnered plenty of teaching accolades, including being a three-time winner of the U.'s students choice award. ...

His scholarly interests began with social history, but he has branched into the history of American politics and popular culture.

His 2001 book, for example, Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America analyzes the saturation of popular culture and cyberspace with conspiracy theories and in 1995 he published a biography of Arizona's Barry Goldwater.
Read entire article at Salt Lake Tribune