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David Halberstam: Driver sentenced in writer's death

The UC Berkeley graduate student behind the wheel in the car crash that killed Pulitzer Prize-winning author David Halberstam in Menlo Park was sentenced Thursday to five days in the county jail and 200 hours of community service.

Judge Mark Forcum recommended that journalism graduate student Kevin Jones, 27, serve his jail sentence in the San Mateo County sheriff's work program, meaning he will probably pick up trash or do similar work rather than spend any time behind bars.
Forcum ordered Jones to complete his community service by helping students improve their reading and writing skills. He also ordered Jones to complete a driving course.

"This is one of the hardest types of cases," Forcum said before pronouncing sentence in San Mateo County Superior Court in Redwood City.

Forcum noted that Halberstam, 73, had died because of Jones' actions, but said Jones had taken responsibility and was remorseful. Halberstam's family was also "very forgiving," he said.

Halberstam's relatives were not in court, but his daughter, Julia Halberstam, 27, wrote in a letter to the judge: "My father would not have wanted to see Kevin Jones go to jail. Nor do I."...
Read entire article at San Francisco Chronicle