With support from the University of Richmond

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Daniel Walker Hollis: USC historian, dies

Daniel Walker Hollis, author of the definitive history of the University of South Carolina from its origin in 1801 to the early 1950s, died Thursday at age 85.

When he retired in 1985, Hollis described to a writer for The State a 47-year “love affair” with USC, including 38 years on its history faculty.

Hollis was buried Sunday at Elmwood Cemetery and Gardens in Columbia.

His contribution for the ages was his two-volume history of the university, which was the first state-chartered, fully state supported college in the nation in 1801.

The two books are: “University of South Carolina : South Carolina College, Volume 1” and “University of South Carolina: College to University, Eighteen Sixty-Five to Nineteen Fifty-Six.”

Elizabeth West, the university archivist, said the books are “the standard” for researching the institution.

“Any time a student is researching the history of the university, I send them to the Hollis volumes,” West said.
Read entire article at http://www.thestate.com