With support from the University of Richmond

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AHA Election results announced


Gabrielle M. Spiegel (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ.)
Vice President, Professional Division

David J. Weber (Southern Methodist Univ.)

Position 1: Trudy H. Peterson (Consulting Archivist)
Position 2: Prasenjit Duara (Univ. of Chicago)

Division Representatives

Professional: Kristin L. Ahlberg (U. S. Dept. of State)
Research: Mary Elizabeth Berry (Univ. of California at Berkeley)

Teaching: Timothy N. Thurber (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Committee on Committees

Christopher Leslie Brown (Columbia Univ.)

Nominating Committee

Position 1: Lisa Forman Cody (Claremont McKenna Coll.)
Position 2: David G. Gutiérrez (Univ. of California at San Diego)
Position 3: David Newbury (Smith Coll.)
Read entire article at AHA Perspectives