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Larry I. Bland: Editor of papers of George Marshall, dead at 67 after suffering a heart attack at the office

Dr. Larry I. Bland, editor of The Papers of George Catlett Marshall, historian, author, and teacher, died Tuesday, November 27, in Lexington, Virginia. He was 67 years old.
Generally recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the life and career of George Catlett Marshall, Bland was working on the sixth volume of the Marshall Papers when he died. The Marshall Papers is the principle publications project of the George C. Marshall Foundation in Lexington.

In addition to the Papers, Bland also edited George C. Marshall Interviews and Reminiscences and George C. Marshall’s Mediation Mission to China. He was the author of numerous articles and monographs on Marshall and Marshall – related topics, such as the Cold War, the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and Averill Harriman.

Bland was an engaging and sought – after lecturer. In October he was the keynote speaker at the dedication of the new George C. Marshall Conference Center at the U.S. State Department in Washington. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called Bland’s remarks “insightful and relevant.” Earlier this year Bland gave a series of lectures on the Marshall Plan in Turkey at the invitation of the State Department. He frequently spoke at professional meetings – both in this country and abroad, historical societies, government conferences, and civic groups.

In addition to his work at the Marshall Foundation, Bland served as managing editor of the Journal of Military History for 19 years....
Read entire article at http://marshallfoundation.org