With support from the University of Richmond

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William Chafe, Sally Deutsch, Joycelyn Olcott, Pete Sigal, and Irene Silverblatt: Taken to task by historian KC Johnson for comments during the Duke lacrosse case

At Durham-in-Wonderland, our colleague, KC Johnson, has profiled some of the 88 Duke faculty members, who signed an early public statement that seemed to rush to judgment about the guilt of the members of the University's lacrosse team. The historians profiled include: William Chafe, Sally Deutsch, Joycelyn Olcott, Pete Sigal, and Irene Silverblatt. Fortunately, their professional reputations will not ultimately rest on what they said or did during the Duke lacrosse case. Some of their colleagues in the Group of 88 have done little other professional work to rescue their reputations.
Read entire article at Ralph Luker at HNN blog, Cliopatria