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Sal Cilella: Atlanta Historical Society hires him to run museum

Atlanta's history museum has found its new leader from within.

The Atlanta Historical Society has hired Sal Cilella to be its president and chief executive officer, spokeswoman Hillary Hardwick said Monday. The historical society oversees the Atlanta History Center and the Margaret Mitchell House & Museum.

Cilella had served as the society's interim CEO since the March announcement that Jim Bruns, the prior CEO, was leaving to head the New York-based Theodore Roosevelt Association. Cilella came to Atlanta in July 2006 as the society's chief operating officer. Prior to that, he had been in the museum field for more than 35 years, most recently heading the Indiana Historical Society.

Under Bruns' four-year watch, the society took over the Mitchell House, retored the 1928 Swan House and 1845 Tullie Smith Farm and opened a wing housing a museum dedicated to the city's 1996 Olympic Games.
Read entire article at Atlanta Journal-Constitution