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Iris Chang: Japanese Film Paints her as Chinese Spy

New Japanese film “The Truth about Nanjing” depicts Chinese-American author Iris Chang as a Chinese spy, Chinese-language newspaper Sing Tao Daily reports. An advertisement seeking actors for the film says, “Chang was an agent working for the Chinese government and spread the rumor of the massacre.” Chang wrote the New York Times Bestseller The Rape of Nanking (1997) and committed suicide in 2004 after a nervous breakdown. Ben Hamamoto, a columnist of the San Francisco Japanese paper Nichi Bei Times, commented the film is Japanese-rightists’ attempt to convince the audience that “the Nanking Massacre never happened” or “it is the Chinese government’s conspiracy.” Superior Court Judge Julie Tang, who co-founded the Rape of Nanking Redress Coalition, said the film distorts the truth and no one would believe such a ridiculous claim. The film will show in December, the month which marks the 70th anniversary of the massacre.
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