With support from the University of Richmond

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Tom Oestreicher: Civil War historian touring libraries this month

Tom Oestreicher, a best–selling author, historian, and nationally–recognized authority on the American Civil War, will be part of the 2007 Hawaii State Public Library System Young Adult Summer Reading Program, at 10 O'ahu public libraries in July.

Oestreicher, who hails from Sycamore, Ill., has conducted more than 500 lecture presentations throughout the United States on the American Civil War for the past 35 years. He wears an authentic Union Army officer's uniform for his presentations .

His novel "Present and Accounted For," featured at the 2005 Book Expo America in New York City, is currently in pre–production as a made–for–TV movie. A sequel, "With Full Honors," was released in December 2005.
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