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David Shreve: Historians plans to run for congress in Va.

Perfectly at home with the history of politics, David Shreve is trying to make history by unseating an incumbent congressman in a 5th District whose incumbents tend to swat away challengers with canny regularity.

Congressmen Dan Daniel of Danville, L.F. Payne of Nellysford and Virgil H. Goode Jr. of Rocky Mount won the last 21 elections in the sprawling 5th District without defeat.

Shreve, 46, plans to formally announce after this November’s elections that he will challenge Goode, 60, in 2008 for the seat that the Democrat-turned-Republican congressman has held the past 10 years.

Shreve is one of at least three Democrats looking at a challenge to Goode. The others are Brydon Jackson, a former state trooper and current Chatham businessman, and Michael Shure, a progressive radio talk show host and University of Virginia graduate working in southern California.

Among the three, Shreve is the only candidate who has filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and raised more than $5,000.

Nelson County vineyard owner Al Weed, who twice challenged Goode and lost by hefty margins in 2004 and 2006, rates Shreve, who has taught history at UVa and Louisiana State Univer-sity, as a serious contender.
Read entire article at http://www.dailyprogress.com