With support from the University of Richmond

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Eino Jutikkala: Historian Leaves $29.4-Million to Finnish Academy

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters expects its humanities division to be transformed by an unexpected gift from a historian who lived through quite a bit of history himself.

When Eino Jutikkala, a longtime member of the academy, died last year, at the age of 99, he bequeathed the academy about $29.4-million, the result of some very patient investing. The gift is believed to be the largest an individual has ever given to the humanities in Finland, said Matti Saarnisto, the academy's secretary general, in an e-mail message.

When a lawyer from Mr. Jutikkala's bank called to tell him that the historian had left most of his fortune to the academy, Mr. Saarnisto said, he thought the bequest would be considerably less.

When he heard the actual amount, "it was a good thing I was sitting down," he said....
Read entire article at Chronicle of Higher Education