With support from the University of Richmond

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Maureen Ogle: Wins Hustler Mag's book of the month

The historian reads an email, and then leaps out of her chair, whooping and hollering. According to the message, her new book has:

(A) won the Bancroft prize
(B) been chosen as book-of-the-month by Hustler magazine
(C) been shortlisted for the Pulitzer.

Correct answer: B. In October 2006 I learned that Hustler magazine had selected my new book, Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer, as its book-of-the-month for April 2007.

At this point, many of you are groaning, sneering, or rolling your eyes. (Or, like me when I heard the news, howling with laughter.) That’s okay. But stick with me. I have something useful (I hope) to say about doing history....

Related Links

  • Chicago Trib news story
  • Read entire article at Maureen Ogle at the website of Historically Speaking (March/April)