With support from the University of Richmond

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Alfred W. McCoy: CIA historian to deliver lecture on torture at SIU

A historian of Central Intelligence Agency operations will speak at Southern Illinois University Carbondale about the agency’s development and use of psychological torture.

Alfred W. McCoy is scheduled to give a free, public lecture Tuesday, April 3 in the Hiram Lesar Law Building on the SIUC campus. His speech is based on McCoy’s 2006 book, “A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on Terror.”

McCoy’s position is that torture, even a “no-touch” form, harms the victims and perpetrators of the action.

McCoy is a J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He studies CIA covert operations, global drug trafficking and colonial empires in Asia. His speech at SIUC is funded by the SIUC departments of anthropology, cinema and photography, history, psychology, sociology and women’s studies, the Global Media Research Center, SIUC School of Law, the Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois, the Shawnee Green Party, the Unitarian Fellowship program committee and the Carbondale Friends Meeting.

Read entire article at http://www.southernillinoisan.com