With support from the University of Richmond

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OAH Members: Go online to find cheaper room for Wednesday 3/28

The OAH annual meeting for 2007 will run from Thursday March 29 through Sunday April 1.

The convention starts at 1pm on Thursday, which means a lot of people will be arriving Wednesday night.

According to the OAH website "sleeping rooms in the OAH room block at the Hilton Minneapolis are sold out for Wednesday night." (Rooms are still available Thursday through Sunday.) That means you can't get the discount rate of $134 a night for Wednesday at the Hilton. If you want to stay there you have to pay full price.

But what's full price?

If you call on the phone they'll tell you it's $259 plus tax.


But there's a cheaper price. Simply go online and book the room and it will cost you only $178 plus tax.

Here's the link to the Hilton website:

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