With support from the University of Richmond

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Larry Levine: Special tribute planned at AHA annual meeting

Roy Rosenzweig, former vice president for research at the AHA, reports that a special session to pay tribute to Larry Levine will be held at the AHA’s Annual Meeting in Atlanta. The session will take place on Friday, January 5th from 4:45 – 5:30 p.m. in the Hilton Atlanta’s Grand Ballroom D. Eric Avila of UCLA will chair the session, which will include tributes and reminiscences from Linda Kerber, Martin Sherwin, Grace Palladino, Mary Kelly, Michael Kazin, Mary Odem, and others. If time permits, comments from the audience will be encouraged.

His colleagues at George Mason University will also hold a memorial service for him on Saturday, December 16, 2007 at GMU’s Arlington Campus. Visit the Center for History and New Media’s website for Levine to find more information on the memorial service, contribute memories, view images and video, and donate funds to help start the Lawrence Levine Prize at the Organization of American Historians.
Read entire article at AHA Blog