A historian is helping students register to vote
As educators and activists we should defend students’ right to vote where they go to school. That right was affirmed by the 1979 Supreme Court Symm v. United States decision but is under continuous attack via familiar methods of voter suppression: the requirement to show a state-approved form of identification. The special wrinkle here is state legislatures barring the use of college-issued IDs, even from their own public universities!
If you want to learn about how to register and turn-out students in high numbers, come to this national nonpartisan conference: https://voteconference.org
The conference is organized by “F&M Votes” at Franklin & Marshall College in Pennsylvania, which has been turning out students in high numbers since 2004, using proven grassroots techniques. Many leading national institutions are co-sponsors, and the cost is only $45 per person, all-inclusive, with rooms at a local hotel $119 per night for up to four people.
Please share this information with anyone interested in voting rights,
especially undergraduates who want to register students for the 2018