Max Boot is done with the GOP
... Sen. Bob Corker, one of Trump’s initial establishment enablers, has recently taken to telling the truth about the president, but only because he has decided not to seek re-election. The reaction to Corker’s comments — he said that Trump is treating the presidency like a “reality show,” that his aides are desperately trying to “contain him,” and that he is setting us on “the path to World War III” — has been telling. Other Republicans aren’t stepping forward to disagree, and Corker says that virtually all of his fellow Republican senators agree with him. But instead of saying in public what they say in private, these invertebrate officeholders try to change the subject or simply refuse to comment.
They are a profile in cowardice, these Republicans, and they are making a mockery of their oaths to “support and defend the Constitution.” If they truly believe that Trump is not fit for office, then they have an obligation to impeach and remove him. Instead they choose to act as if Trump is their partner in governing. In the process, the entire Republican Party is making itself ever-more complicit in Trump’s crimes — which range from offenses against good sense, rationality, and common decency to, perhaps, actual violations of the law such as obstruction of justice.
It becomes ever harder to disagree with the verdict of foreign-policy sage Robert Kagan, like me an erstwhile Republican, who writes that the GOP in its current form is doomed and that Republicans who cannot stomach Trumpism “should change their registration and start voting for Democratic moderates and centrists, as some Republicans did in Virginia recently, to give them a leg up in their fight against the party’s left wing.” As I’ve explained before, I have my qualms about the Democratic Party, which is lurching to the left, but I am done, done, done with the GOP after more than 30 years as a loyal Republican.
This is truly Trump’s party, and that leaves me to root for Democrats to win a landslide victory in the midterm elections next fall. I have my differences with many Democratic candidates, but on the most important issue facing our nation — whether Trump is fit for office — they are right and Republicans are a disgrace. ...