With support from the University of Richmond

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Most scholars seem happy with the new AP history test that rolls out next month

On May 6, more than 470,000 students will sit for the Advanced Placement test in United States history. The exam distills 525 years of American history into 55 multiple-choice questions and six short and long essay questions. Much rides on the test beyond the potential for a high score. Events covered and questions asked will convey to impressionable, high-achieving high school students (and future national leaders) what is important, how to interpret it and, ultimately, how to feel about their country.

Shockingly, few are complaining about the exam or the latest framework for teaching the course. At least not loudly.

That’s a sharp contrast from the sturm und drang surrounding the College Board’s introduction of the 2014 framework, the first major overhaul of the course in 60 years. That revision was meant to address teacher complaints that the previous framework was thin and lacked direction, especially on what to focus on for the exam.

Read entire article at NYT