20 U.S. Presidents Who Had a Major Impact on International Law
Every year, the U.S. holds a national holiday called Presidents’ Day. Presidents’ Day, which is located in the month of February (this year, February 17, 2014) between the birthdays of two of the country’s most famous presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, celebrates the contributions these leaders have made in service of the nation.
The responsibilities of the President of the United States of America are many. But while a president’s focus is often on domestic issues, his (and hopefully someday, her!) powers with respect to foreign affairs are quite significant. As commander-in-chief of America’s armed forces, he has the power to intervene to a very significant degree in matters involving foreign countries. And pursuant to the “Treaty Clause” of the Constitution, the President is also empowered to act as the primary negotiator when it comes to agreements with other nations. As a result, a president’s foreign policy is often a key issue during his campaign for election.
Once elected, a president can have a major impact on international law. Working through international institutions or leveraging the economic and military power of the U.S. to bring about various agreements, a president can shape international relations to a tremendous degree. The U.S. presidents selected for this slideshow are those that have had a significant effect on foreign affairs, as well as the legal relationship between the U.S. and other nations. Over the course of American history, these presidents have, for better or worse, left a mark on the world that extended far beyond U.S. borders.
Some were wartime leaders, while others preferred to pursue primarily diplomatic means to achieve their goals, but all will be remembered for a long time to come for their impact on the world at large.
George Washington
Lived: 1732–1799
President: 1789–1797 (1st)
Little introduction is necessary for the man who was already an important American leader in the years when America’s very existence was still a matter to be resolved. After his successful military campaign as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War against Britain, Washington voluntarily resigned his position while the first United States government was formed, pursuant to the Articles of Confederation. When they were replaced with the current Constitution, Washington was elected as the first president of the newly incorporated United States.
From a foreign policy perspective, Washington strived to stay neutral in the war between the French and British, but did enter into a minor trade treaty with England, provoking French allies. He also entered into treaties with Algiers (to protect American ships from piracy) and Spain (to gain access to the Mississippi River and improve relations with natives in Spanish-controlled Florida)....