With support from the University of Richmond

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Call to help transcribe historic Scottish records

A call has been issued to enlist thousands of volunteers to help transcribe more than one million historic Scottish records.

The Transcribe ScotlandsPlaces is the biggest crowd-sourcing project of its kind in Scotland and will focus on more than one million records of people and places dating from 1645 to 1880.

This includes more than 150,000 pages of old handwriting in Scots, English and Gaelic detailing information about land taxation; taxes on clocks, windows and farm horses as well as Ordnance Survey “name books” which were part of the first official record of Scottish places and place names.

It is hoped the information processed as part of this project, one of the first of its kind in the UK, will boost knowledge and understanding of Scotland and its people....

Read entire article at The Scotsman