With support from the University of Richmond

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Status Report on FY 14 Budgets for Federal History, Archival & Education Programs

The National Coalition for History (NCH) has created a chart showing the status of all major federal agency programs affecting history, archives and education. Click here to access the chart. FY 14 Budget summary 7-25-13

While the chart itself does not provide the status at the House and Senate Appropriations Committee or Subcommittee level, that information is provided below. The chart will be updated as the bills are considered.

The Financial Service & General Government (FS&GG) appropriations bill covers the National Archives and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

  • House bill (HR 2786) has cleared the House Appropriations Committee and is awaiting floor action.
  • Senate bill (number not assigned) has cleared the Senate Appropriations Committee and is awaiting floor action.

The Labor, HHS and Education appropriations bill covers Title VI-A&B (domestic) and Fulbright-Hays (international) programs under the International Education & Foreign Language Studies (IEFLS) program at the Department of Education. It also has jurisdiction over the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

  • No bill has been introduced in the House.
  • Senate bill (S 1284) has cleared the Senate Appropriations Committee and is awaiting floor action.

The Interior & Environment appropriations bill covers the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Park Service, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Wilson Center for International Scholars.

  • The House Interior & Environment FY 14 bill has cleared the subcommittee and is awaiting action by the House Appropriations Committee.
  • No bill has been introduced in the Senate.

The Legislative Branch appropriations bill funds the Library of Congress.

  • The House Appropriations Committee has passed the Legislative Branch bill. It is awaiting floor action.
  • The Senate Appropriations Committee has passed the Legislative Branch bill. It is awaiting floor action.
Read entire article at National Coalition for History