With support from the University of Richmond

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For $1,500, Mayan apocalypse party in Stalin's bunker

Though the Mayans never really predicted that the world would end on Friday, some New Agers are convinced that humanity’s demise is indeed imminent. Or at least that it’s a good excuse for a party.

Believers are being drawn to spots where they think their chances of survival will be better, and accompanying them are the curious, the party-lovers and people wanting to make some money.

Here are some of the world’s key doomsday destinations and other places marked by fear and fascination:...


For $1,500, a museum is offering salvation from the world’s end in former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin’s underground bunker in central Moscow -- with a 50 percent refund if nothing happens.

The bunker, located 65 meters (210 feet) below ground, was designed to withstand a nuclear attack. Now home to a small museum, it has an independent electricity supply, water and food — but no more room, because the museum has already sold out all 1,000 tickets....

Read entire article at AP