With support from the University of Richmond

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M&S selling Spitfire models made in Germany

From July to October 1940, the Spitfire was hailed by the British public as the RAF fighter that saved the nation from invasion by Hitler's Nazis, inflicting heavy losses on wave after wave of Luftwaffe bombers.

Now models of the classic fighter plane, made in Germany for toy firm Revell, are on sale in Marks & Spencer for £10 each.

Justin Reeves, who spotted the model in the flagship M&S store on Oxford Street in central London, said: "I picked it up as a present and couldn't believe it when I saw the 'Made in Germany' tag on the back.

"The Spitfire is one of the most iconic images of the Second World War and one of the reasons we kept the Nazis at bay.

"At least they came up with this 60 years too late to make a difference in the Battle of Britain."...

Read entire article at Telegraph (UK)