With support from the University of Richmond

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Ford Library to be expanded in $15m project

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids will be updated and expanded under a $15 million fundraising effort, officials announced Friday.

Plans call for funding a 10,500-square-foot student learning center at the museum and create new interactive exhibits, the Gerald R. Ford Foundation said. Online access to a number of the museum’s historical documents also is planned along with documents at the Ford presidential library in Ann Arbor.

“The vision of this campaign is to attract students of all ages to the museum and provide online access to the museum’s and library’s incredible holdings,” David Frey, Gerald R. Ford Foundation trustee and campaign co-chair, said in a statement. “This expansion will let individuals explore the Ford Presidency, the lives of Gerald and Betty Ford and a significant number of historical documents associated with the history of our nation.”...

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