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Judge stops LAPD warrant for Manson follower tapes

DALLAS (AP) - A federal judge in Texas has blocked an attempt by the Los Angeles Police Department to use a search warrant to obtain decades-old tapes of conversations between a Manson family disciple and his attorney that police believe could help clear up more than a dozen unsolved murders.

U.S. District Judge Richard A. Schell's ruling stopped authorities from executing a search warrant earlier this month for the office of the bankruptcy trustee who has eight cassette tapes containing hours of conversations between Charles "Tex" Watson and attorney Bill Boyd.

Schell criticized the LAPD for what the judge called an apparent attempt to circumvent a court order making the tapes off limits until Watson's appeal of a previous ruling in bankruptcy court can be heard.

"This court understands and respects the desire of the LAPD to seek access to the 42-year-old tapes," Schell wrote in an Oct. 5 ruling. "However, the LAPD has provided no explanation as to why this court should shortcut the usual procedure for determining a bankruptcy appeal given that the investigation the LAPD wishes to reopen involves murders that occurred 42 years ago."...

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