With support from the University of Richmond

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British PoW escaped 200 times to meet German lover

The story of a British prisoner of war who had a secret affair with a German girl while held captive by the Nazis is to be turned into a Hollywood film.

Horace Greasley was captured during the retreat to Dunkirk and imprisoned for two-and-a-half years during the Second World War in a PoW camp in Lamsdorf, Poland.

It was during this time that he began a relationship with Rosa Rauchbach, a girl from a nearby village who was hiding her part-Jewish background from the Nazis while she worked as a translator at a marble quarry labour camp.

He would regularly sneak out at night for trysts with his lover in a chapel and she would help him find food and equipment he could then smuggle back to the camp....

Read entire article at Telegraph (UK)