With support from the University of Richmond

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Centuries-old canoe unearthed in sand near Daufuskie Island

A bit of centuries-old history has been freed from the muck off Daufuskie Island.

The dugout canoe, probably hand-hewn in the 18th century, was first found on Turtle Island in May. Daufuskie Island residents and University of South Carolina archaeologists, aided by natural erosion around the craft, were able to break the mud's grip Oct. 4.

James Spirek, a USC underwater archaeologist, oversaw the dig and says the boat probably was hand-carved from a single log.

By whom remains a mystery....

Read more here: http://www.islandpacket.com/2012/10/10/2240382/centuries-old-canoe-unearthed.html#storylink=cpy...
Read entire article at The Island Packet (SC)