With support from the University of Richmond

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Anger as 18th century Napoleonic fort used for porn film

A pornographic movie was filmed at an historic 18th century fort just weeks after a £50,000 Lottery grant helped pay for it to re-open.

Playboy TV filmed a movie called 'Tight Rider' - a spoof of 80s hit series Knight Rider - starring 'Michael Tight' and Slovakian porn star Natali D'Angelo....

But trustees at Fort Amherst in Chatham, Kent - Britain's best surviving Napoleonic fortress - are furious that the filming was allowed to go ahead.

The film was shot in just 10 hours amongst the many tunnels at the historic fort - which only re-opened fully in May this year after a £50,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The fort is also part of Medway Council's bid to get the area listed as a World Heritage Site....

Read entire article at Telegraph (UK)