With support from the University of Richmond

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New York’s 50: Wait! There’s More

EARLIER this month, we asked you to tell us which objects represented New York City to you. We had made our own list, “A History of New York in 50 Objects,” and wanted to hear what we had missed. Well, you told us. More than 600 of you responded on NYTimes.com, offering everything from a bright red apple to Bella Abzug’s hat.

No subject engaged you more than food. We included a hearty helping in our list, but you wanted seconds. You lobbied passionately for pizza slices (triangular and square); egg creams (made with Fox’s U-bet chocolate syrup); pastrami sandwiches; Mello-Rolls and other ice cream treats, especially from Mister Softee and Bungalow Bar; seltzer bottles; Ebinger’s blackout cake; the cream-cheese sandwiches at Chock full o’Nuts; bialys; plantains; cheesecake from Junior’s and Lindy’s; Charlotte russes; a pickle barrel; and hot dogs from Nathan’s and from carts under the ubiquitous blue-and-yellow Sabrett umbrellas.

You rejected the symbols we chose to represent the Metropolitan Transportation Authority: the silver throttle used to inaugurate subway service and the MetroCard. Readers demanded the original subway token, the one with the cutout Y in the middle of NYC. It appears on a follow-up list we are publishing this week, among 15 entries selected from your nominations....

Read entire article at NYT