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Hunt Ends for a Nazi Now Believed to Be Dead

BERLIN — The hunt for Aribert Ferdinand Heim, a Nazi fugitive and concentration camp doctor, has officially come to a close, the German authorities said Friday, after they determined that the man known as Dr. Death for his unnecessary operations had died in Egypt in 1992.

A regional court in Baden-Baden, Dr. Heim’s last known residence in Germany, said it had suspended the criminal investigation because “no doubts remained” that the fugitive who eluded the authorities for decades had died of cancer in Cairo in 1992.

The New York Times and the German television station ZDF reported in 2009 that Dr. Heim had escaped justice by hiding in North Africa. An old, dusty briefcase full of letters, handwritten notes about the case against him and medical records corroborated the accounts of Egyptians who knew him there....

Read entire article at NYT