With support from the University of Richmond

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Search for Richard III confirms that remains are the long-lost Church of the Grey Friars

The search for Richard III’s final resting place has advanced considerably with confirmation that the dig has uncovered the long-lost Church of the Grey Friars where Richard was buried.

The first two trenches dug by Leicester’s archaeologists revealed tiled passageway floors at right angles to each other which are probably the remains of a cloister. A cloister is a rectangular open space, surrounded by covered walkways, often built alongside a church that has a monastic community. Friars would walk around the cloister, deep in thought or prayer, whilst remaining dry.

If the floors revealed by the first two trenches represented two sides of the cloister, then our theory, revealed at a press conference on Friday, was that the large wall on the third side of the potential cloister could be the church itself. Over the weekend our archaeologists dug a third trench to the east of the first two trenches to see if the wall extended....

Read entire article at University of Leicester