With support from the University of Richmond

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Saturday was 150th anniversary of US-Dakota War

Fargo, ND (WDAY TV) -- One Historian calls it the most important six-weeks in Minnesota History. The U.S.-Dakota war defined Minnesota and even the Red River Valley for decades to come. Its 150th Anniversary is tomorrow.

Markus Krueger/Historical and Cultural Society of Clay Co.: "The Red River Valley in 1862 was the edge of the United States, the northwestern edge of the United States."

After selling their land to the U.S. Government in the 1850s, the Dakota tribe in Minnesota was mistreated and cheated out of much of its money by Indian Agents and traders.

Krueger: "Known by outsiders as the Sioux, they were quite literally starving to death."...

Read entire article at WDAY (Fargo)