With support from the University of Richmond

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US-Dakota War still debated

ST. PAUL, Minn. - The U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 lasted six weeks.

The Minnesota History Center has been intensely researching the topic for the better part of two years talking to dozens of direct descendents of settlers and native people who have spread out across the nation and into Canada. Researchers work will be on display beginning June 30.

"There aren't two sides to this story. This is like a mosaic," History Center Director Dan Spock said.

This divisive war has been a very controversial topic for decades for hundreds of people on the home front in Minnesota. The Dakota Sioux hope to rewrite history hoping the story is told from beginning to end. Tribal historians have been trying to educate people on what happened that led up to the conflict and what happened to the native people afterwards....

Read entire article at KARE 11 (MN)