With support from the University of Richmond

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Ask Congress to preserve NHPRC funding!

Please write your Members of Congress and ask them to support the National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC), the “grant-making” arm of the National Archives & Records Administration. Letters are needed to urge Congress to provide fiscal year 2013 funding of $5 million for the NHPRC’s regular grants programs.

The NHPRC is funded at $5 million for FY 2012. This figure represents a $2 million cut from the FY 2011 level of $7.0 million (and a decrease of $8.0 million from the FY 2010 level of $13.0 million). The Administration’s FY 2013 budget request includes only $3 million for the NHPRC, an amount that will not support the ongoing programs and mission of the Commission at even a minimal level. It is up to the Congress to preserve this program, which has already been cut substantially in previous fiscal years.

The NHPRC grants program is funded under the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill.

Our partners at the National Humanities Alliance have set up a template message for you to send to your Members of Congress which you can customize. We strongly encourage you to personalize this message, telling Congress why the NHPRC and its grants program are important to you, your institution, your field, state, or district. If you have received or worked on an NHPRC grant, please consider the local or long-term impact of this funding. If possible, cite numbers where appropriate and specify what would be lost without this funding....

Read entire article at Lee White for the National Coalition for History