Tulsa Reconciliation Symposium Combines Academic Discussions with Real-World Solutions
May 30-June 1, 2012
Hyatt Regency, Tulsa, OK
In light of recent tragic events, Tulsa has become center stage in a national dialogue of racial tensions within our society. Yet, in all the talk of violence and justice, the idea of long-term reconciliation is often lost.
We all have a part to play in bringing racial reconciliation to our communities. But what are we doing about ittoday?
The John Hope Franklin Center’s 3rd Annual Reconciliation in America symposium will bring together the nation’s top thinkers, community leaders and activists to Tulsa to generate concrete solutions.
This year’s program includes:
· Dr. Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi and an internationally known scholar and humanitarian, will speak on “Reconciliation and the American Dream: Pointers from Gandhi & King.”
· Town Hall: “Cityscape — Former Mayors Reflect on Reconciliation Efforts,” a panel of innovative, forward-thinking American mayors with Tulsa’s dynamic former mayors Kathy Taylor and Susan Savage, plus former Denver mayor Wellington Webb.
· Governor William Winter, former Governor of Mississippi.
· Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, President of Spelman College.
· Dr. George Henderson, creator of the Human Relations Program at the University of Oklahoma.
· Dr. Donald W. Shriver, Jr., an ethicist and President Emeritus of Union Seminary in New York City.
· Reverend Doug Tanner, Senior Advisor of the Faith & Politics Institute in Washington, D.C.
Register NOW to experience this unique symposium and become a part of the racial healing process.
Visit the John Hope Franklin Center website, www.jhfcenter.org for more information and a full agenda. Questions? Contact Jean Neal at the JHF Center, 918-295-5009.
This program is funded in part by the Oklahoma Humanities Council (OHC) and the We the People initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in the symposium do not necessarily represent those of OHC or NEH.