With support from the University of Richmond

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The unseen anatomist genius of Da Vinci

He is already recognised as one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance period.

Now a stunning new exhibition at Buckingham Palace demonstrates how Leonardo da Vinci was also one of the most ground-breaking anatomists of all time.

Indeed his findings dating from the late 1490s and early 1500s were so revolutionary that some could not be conclusively proved until the development of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanners in the 1980s, which use radio waves to take detailed pictures of the body.

Da Vinci's fascination with the human body began through his desire to be 'true to nature' in his paintings and led him to embark on what can only be described as a campaign of dissection in hospitals and medical schools throughout Florence.

Many of the corpses he worked on were the bodies of executed criminals or those who had no relatives to claim them for burial....

Read entire article at Daily Mail (UK)