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German state says will republish Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'

BERLIN (AFP)---The German state which owns the rights to Adolf Hitler's manifesto "Mein Kampf" said Tuesday it would republish an annotated edition of the book 70 years after the Nazi dictator's suicide.   

After winning a court battle last month against a British publisher who planned to release parts of the anti-Semitic tract alongside commentary from historians, Bavaria said it would put out its own version by 2015.   

State Finance Minister Markus Soeder told German news agency DPA the decision was taken after talks with advocates and opponents of the move, and said it was aimed at "demystifying" the pages drenched in hatred and paranoid fantasy.   

"We want to make clear what nonsense is in there, however with catastrophic consequences," Soeder said of the book on which much of the Nazis' genocidal
ideology was based....

Read entire article at European Jewish Press