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Nike: sorry for Irish shoe gaffe

Nike has introduced its new Black and Tan shoe for St. Patrick's Day. Unfortunately, its name mirrors the reviled moniker that the Irish gave to oppressive British forces in the 1920s.

Black and Tan. That's the name used for a new Nike sneaker arriving just in time for St. Patrick's Day; it's also a nod to the popular beer mash-up. Just one problem: Black and Tan is also a term reviled in Ireland, a sneering reference to the British forces accused of mistreating Irish citizens in the 1920s.

In other words, it would be akin, in some circles, to naming a sneaker the Taliban or the Nazi.

Cue today's "sorry" from the athletic shoe giant: "We apologize," Nike said in a statement to Fox News. "No offense was intended."...

Read entire article at Star Tribune