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The first ever altered images (including two pictures stitched together to make iconic portrait of Abraham Lincoln)

Here's the proof that photo fakery is nothing new.

These days magazine 'artists' can indulge every whim of the vainest covergirls, but pictures involving celebrities have been modified for many a long year.

Take this 150-year-old portrait of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, in which he looks every bit the all-American hero. All is not as it appears - as although it is undoubtedly the 16th Commander in Chief's face staring at the camera, the body in fact belongs to a prominent southern politician.

It has led to claims the 1860 portrait, stitched together from two pictures as 'no sufficiently heroic portrait of Lincoln had yet been taken', could be the first ever Photoshopped image....

Read entire article at Daily Mail (UK)