Lisa Fabrizio: American Love
[Lisa Fabrizio is a columnist who hails from Connecticut (]
I have a sister who's around a decade younger than me. One day, a few years ago, we were discussing the presidency of Ronald Reagan when she made a most interesting comment. "When Reagan was president," she said, "I always felt safe." While I didn't think much of it at the time, I did so later on and most recently with the commemoration of Reagan's 100th birthday last week.
The Reagan memorials brought inevitable comparisons with other presidents; none more so than the current occupant of the Oval Office. And most of them are almost hysterically funny when you think about it. For example, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for...well I don't really know why, while Reagan, who, with a little help from his friends, actually won the Cold War, bringing an end to decades of abject fear, was always depicted as a war monger.
But comparisons abounded, including this absurdity from Ron Reagan Jr., who was asked whether Obama -- whom he deemed "a centrist guy" -- or Sarah Palin was more like his father: "Just on the basis of intelligence, you would have to say Barack Obama. I don't think my father has anything in common with Sarah Palin whatsoever. I'm a little offended that we even have to talk about Sarah Palin, who has nothing interesting to say."...
Read entire article at American Spectator
I have a sister who's around a decade younger than me. One day, a few years ago, we were discussing the presidency of Ronald Reagan when she made a most interesting comment. "When Reagan was president," she said, "I always felt safe." While I didn't think much of it at the time, I did so later on and most recently with the commemoration of Reagan's 100th birthday last week.
The Reagan memorials brought inevitable comparisons with other presidents; none more so than the current occupant of the Oval Office. And most of them are almost hysterically funny when you think about it. For example, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for...well I don't really know why, while Reagan, who, with a little help from his friends, actually won the Cold War, bringing an end to decades of abject fear, was always depicted as a war monger.
But comparisons abounded, including this absurdity from Ron Reagan Jr., who was asked whether Obama -- whom he deemed "a centrist guy" -- or Sarah Palin was more like his father: "Just on the basis of intelligence, you would have to say Barack Obama. I don't think my father has anything in common with Sarah Palin whatsoever. I'm a little offended that we even have to talk about Sarah Palin, who has nothing interesting to say."...