Bruce Walker: Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
[Bruce Walker is the author of two books: Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, and his recently published The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity.]
Seventy years ago, on May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain. He had been warning the world about the dangers of Nazism for almost a decade. He had been warning the world about the dangers of Bolshevism since 1918. By the time Churchill became Prime Minister, the British had seen Nazis overrun Poland, Denmark, and Norway. Churchill was watching helplessly as the German Army routed the combined armies of France, Britain, Holland, and Belgium.
The new prime minister did not just face the fury of Hitler's hordes. Stalin had been a close and effective ally of Hitler since August 1939. Mussolini would quickly pounce and join with Germany against Britain. Japan menaced Commonwealth democracies and British interests in the Pacific. Enemies were everywhere.
Churchill was sixty-five when he first became prime minister. Three days after taking the premiership, Churchill told the British people what to expect: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." His moving words were no exaggeration when he spoke them. Beyond that, few people in May 1940 thought that Britain could actually win the Second World War....
Seventy years, almost to the day, after Churchill took over the government of Britain, the nation that produced the most inspiring opponent of totalitarianism and the most courageous politician in the first half of the twentieth century, British political parties contested in a general election, British party leaders showed their mettle and valor, and British voters cast their votes.
Today, Islamic terrorists and militants menace the same Western values that Hitler and Stalin threatened seven decades ago. Like Hitler, radical Islam hates Jews and gobbles up noxious nonsense like Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and believes that Christianity must be destroyed. Like Stalin, radical Islam sees our traditions of ordered liberty and personal freedom as problems. Like Imperial Japan, radical Islam uses suicide bombers. In short, radical Islam operates much like the enemies in the Second World War that Churchill asked his people to fight....
Read entire article at American Thinker
Seventy years ago, on May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain. He had been warning the world about the dangers of Nazism for almost a decade. He had been warning the world about the dangers of Bolshevism since 1918. By the time Churchill became Prime Minister, the British had seen Nazis overrun Poland, Denmark, and Norway. Churchill was watching helplessly as the German Army routed the combined armies of France, Britain, Holland, and Belgium.
The new prime minister did not just face the fury of Hitler's hordes. Stalin had been a close and effective ally of Hitler since August 1939. Mussolini would quickly pounce and join with Germany against Britain. Japan menaced Commonwealth democracies and British interests in the Pacific. Enemies were everywhere.
Churchill was sixty-five when he first became prime minister. Three days after taking the premiership, Churchill told the British people what to expect: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." His moving words were no exaggeration when he spoke them. Beyond that, few people in May 1940 thought that Britain could actually win the Second World War....
Seventy years, almost to the day, after Churchill took over the government of Britain, the nation that produced the most inspiring opponent of totalitarianism and the most courageous politician in the first half of the twentieth century, British political parties contested in a general election, British party leaders showed their mettle and valor, and British voters cast their votes.
Today, Islamic terrorists and militants menace the same Western values that Hitler and Stalin threatened seven decades ago. Like Hitler, radical Islam hates Jews and gobbles up noxious nonsense like Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and believes that Christianity must be destroyed. Like Stalin, radical Islam sees our traditions of ordered liberty and personal freedom as problems. Like Imperial Japan, radical Islam uses suicide bombers. In short, radical Islam operates much like the enemies in the Second World War that Churchill asked his people to fight....