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Mao's grandson becomes youngest major-general in Chinese army

Mao Xinyu, the 39-year-old sole grandson of the Great Helmsman, was promoted to the post in June, according to the Chongqing Evening News.

Before his elevation, the younger Mao was a colonel. He works as a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, where he specialises in Mao Tse-tung Thought.

Although his promotion has not been widely publicised, Mao Xinyu was introduced at a recent function as a major-general, and is the youngest person to hold such a high rank in the 2.5-million-strong People's Liberation Army.

In a recent interview in the Chinese media, the younger Mao said he had now fulfilled a dream. "I never thought I would be able to enter the military, even less did I dream that I could reach the rank of major-general," he said.

Mao Xinyu has become increasingly prominent in the run-up to the 60th anniversary of Communist Party rule in China. Last year, he was appointed as a dean of a university department dedicated to his grandfather, and his blog on the People's Daily website was chosen as the "most attention-grabbing" blog of the year.
Read entire article at telegraph.co.uk