Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 2, 2011

More Noted Things

History Carnival CI is up at Culture & Stuff!

Carl Rollison, "The Biographers' Biography," WSJ, 30 July, reviews Michael Holroyd's A Book of Secrets: Illegitimate Daughters, Absent Fathers.

Alex Ross, "Deceptive Picture: How Oscar Wilde painted over "Dorian Gray," New Yorker, 8 August, makes sense of the multiple versions of Wilde's novel.

Mark Moyar, "An Insurgency and Its Lessons," WSJ, 30 July, reviews James Arnold's The Moro War: How America Battled a Muslim Insurgency in the Philippine Jungle, 1902-1913 .

Gary Day reviews Ian Ker's G. K. Chesterton: A Biography for the THE, 28 July.

Nicholas Schmidle, "Getting Bin Laden: What happened that night in Abbottabad," New Yorker, 8 August, is the fullest public account of the events.

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